Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003
2 megabytes of disk space
64 megabytes of RAM (128 or more megabytes recommended)
Files can only be saved to an alternate physical drive, and cannot be saved onto the same drive from where they are recovered . This can be another partition on your existing hard drive, another hard drive, Iomega Zip®, Jazz® , Orb, USB 'Pen Drive', LS-120, floppy disk, network drive, server volume, etc.
Prior to installing Recover My Files, consider if you should initially use the "Stand alone" version of Recover My Files (available for download from
Please refer to "Where to run Recover My Files" for further information.
Recover My Files can be downloaded from the Internet at The installation version is called "RecoverMyFiles-Setup.exe". Simply run this program and follow the installation wizard.
Recover My Files can be run directly from CD. If you have the CD version and are installing Recover My Files to your computer from CD, simply insert the CD into you computer and the following screen should automatically appear:
If this message does not appear then Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the CD drive letter (often this is D:) and click on AutoRun.exe.
Now Click on the button which says "Install Recover My Files" to my PC and follow the prompts. The installation version of Recover My Files can also be directly run from the CD by navigating and executing the file "RecoverMyFiles-Setup.exe".
Program Registration
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Recover My Files there is no need to un-install previous versions. If you have previously registered Recover My Files your existing registration code should automatically activate the 'save recovered files' feature of the new version. If your previous registration code does not work then please contact us. If you wish to purchase a registration code you can purchase on-line now .
To un-install the Recover My Files Version 2 go to the Windows control panel and select "add/remove programs".